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Project Statement:

This painting consists of 14 strips representing 14 lines of a sonnet. The negative spaces and texture symbolize rhyme, rhythm and meter of a line. Before starting the painting, each strip holds text scribbled with pencil. These words are then painted over.

This project showcases my investigation into the prosody of a poem. The sonnet, both in context and image, is a love song to Earth.

approx. 108x196

Canvas, charcoal, pencil, paper, acrylic, paper, mixed media

April 2022

Love Sonnet For Earth

Love Sonnet for Earth, April 2022, Acrylic on canvas, 108 inches x 196 inches.jpg
Sestina For Water and Night [2022]

Sestina For Water and Night

Project Statement:

This piece consists of 3 panels painted on both sides to indicate a sestina’s 6 stanzas. It is installed in a circular motion representing the sestina’s cyclic form. The negative spaces showcase the rhyme, rhythm and meter.


This sestina is a capture of the ocean at night.

Approx. 32x98

Canvas, charcoal, pencil, paper, acrylic, paper, mixed media

May 2022

Sestina For Water And Earth, 2022, Acrylic on canvas, 98 inches x 96 inches.JPG
Flight Freeze [2021]

Faces of Dissociation

Grid 2.jpg
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